To Live Is Christ

“My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account.” (Phil. 1:23b-24)

 Scripture tells us few details about what will happen immediately after we die. Most of our concepts about life after death come from personal or cultural imaginings. Let’s allow Paul’s words to the Philippians to guide our reflections on life after death: “My desire is to depart and be with Christ.” That’s the key. Christians depart this valley of the shadow of death and are immediately in the presence of Christ Himself! Resting in the presence of Jesus will be “far better” than even our greatest days on earth! Eternal life at Jesus’ side is coming soon, but we’re not there yet. We still remain in the flesh, and as long as that’s the case, we are here to labor fruitfully for our family, church, neighbors, community, and above all, God’s kingdom of faith. Your eternal destination with Christ is sure and certain! It’s also sure and certain that Christ has good things for you to do in His name each and every day until you depart this life to enjoy the better life to come.

Jesus, thank you for giving me eternal hope and daily purpose. Amen.

What Heaven’s Like

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son . . . John 3:16a

Ever wonder what heaven will be like? In our brief reading, Jesus has given an unmistakable peek through the pearly gates. Granting us a tour of the Almighty’s abode, Jesus takes us right into the Father’s very heart.

Returning to our realm, we uncover scarcely more than selfish stinginess. The Lord shows us bona fide benevolence, authentic altruism, and genuine generosity. God loved. We suppose we know what love means, but apart from narcissistic vanity, our love is wizened and undeveloped. God’s exceptionally uncommon love comes spilling from His undeniable essence. God is love, therefore He loves! So much that He gave up what is most precious. The heir of this endless love? You, dear one, it’s all for you!

That’s what heaven is like. Love dripping from every nook and cranny. May this love not merely dribble, but pour forth from us also!

Gracious Father, make your love our love. In Jesus’ holy name, amen.