Porn and Hatred Hurt People

Take every thought captive to obey Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

You can’t unsee things. King David atop his lofty palace accidentally beheld the nakedness of Bathsheba, another man’s wife. David couldn’t unsee it. She was burned into his brain. Over and over again, encouraging his mind to remember. Then to wander. Then to wonder. In the end, David got her pregnant, had her husband killed, and made her his wife.

If left unchecked, your thoughts will tear you down. Your porn addiction will ruin your real relationships. The hatred you harbor toward an enemy will destroy your life. Every angry word; every evil deed has its beginning in minds sodden with the sickness of sin. Jesus said adultery begins with lust. Murder begins with hatred. The mind of Christ is different. His lacks sin. Jesus can take the images from your mind, just ask. Jesus can change your heart . . . and words . . . and actions! We need Jesus’ help.

Jesus, cleanse my heart and mind. Amen.

PS – If you are struggling with a porn addiction, please visit